Welcome to the new home of Johns Hobbies
John's Hobbies
John’s Hobbies, YOUR local Hobby Shop

Well, Here we are. It has been a long time in the making, but here it is. The shop has a new look, and feel, so we figured we should do the same with the website. The previous site was neglected, and had old information, as well a shopping cart that didn’t work properly. No worries here, we don’t sell online, so there is no need for a cart.

We are still working to flesh this site out, so be patient, its getting there. The store, and you, the customer come first. so if it takes a little longer to get this project finished, its your fault 😛

Keep an eye out for store specials, they will show up here. in the future, you will be able to opt into a newsletter, but that is a way off.

Thank you to all of our current customers, and welcome to all of you new customers!