Traxxas spring sale As always, Traxxas is giving you more ways to get into the hobby. Jump on this deal ASAP! As always, Traxxas is giving you more ways to get into the hobby. Jump on this deal ASAP!
Well, Here we are. It has been a long time in the making, but here it is. The shop has a new look, and feel, so we figured we should do the same with the website. The previous site was neglected, and had old information, as well a shopping cart that didn’t work properly. No worries here, we don’t sell online, so there is no need for a cart. We are still working to flesh this site out, so be patient, its getting there. The store, and you, the customer come first. so if it takes a little longer to get this project finished, its your fault 😛 Keep an eye out for store specials, they will show up here. in the future, you will be able to opt into a newsletter, but that is a way off. Thank you to all of our current customers, and welcome to all of you new customers!